The constant humming of industrial equipment signifies productivity. But what if the humming is disturbed by an equipment failure? Industrial equipment are the backbone of your daily operations and keeping them up and running is essential to maintain production units successfully.

how to buy industrial spares main

Downtime caused by malfunctioning industrial equipment can have a domino effect, leading to missed deadlines, delayed production, and a rise in overhead costs. However, the impacts of downtime extend far beyond the costs and late production. It can damage your customer’s trust, disturb workflows, and even create unforeseen accidents.

Therefore, your production unit should have top-quality industrial spare parts as a preventive strategy for maintaining optimum efficiency and minimizing downtime.

If you are looking to capitalize on good quality industrial spare parts, then here’s how you can find them. But before that, let’s look at some cool facts about industrial spare parts and their importance in your production line.

Market Research on Industrial Spare Parts

The growth of industrial spare parts is attributed to rising investment and industrial transformation. As industries adopt automation, the role of spare parts is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.7 and reach a market value of $16.54 USD by the end of 2029.

Besides, here are several trends and factors that contributed to the growth, demand and importance of industrial spares in edible oil industry:

  • Rising number of SMEs that need to improve productivity.
  • Trend of Industry 4.0 that is adopting automation.
  • Increasing awareness of safety during the production process.
  • Streamline production lines to outsmart the competition.
  • Easy availability of spare parts through online portals contributed to increased spare parts sales.

Now you know the determining factors that contributed to the demands for spare parts. Here’s why using top-quality equipment spare parts is important for your industrial unit.

Importance of Using Top quality Spare Parts and Equipment

To start with, replacing worn-out parts alone would be an understatement when it comes to using quality spares. Here are more reasons:

  • Equipment Performance and Efficiency Maintenance: It is possible that poor quality products may not fit properly or even wear out too soon, thus interrupting production schedules at high maintenance costs altogether. Top-quality spares have been designed according to original specifications, hence ensuring the best results.
  • Safety Considerations: In a case, counterfeit parts compromised the safety of jet passengers. Low-quality spares can break down under pressure, posing significant threats to life and property. Using genuine ones means more safety measures are taken, in addition to machinery running according to its own specifications.
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  • Warranty Preservation: Manufacturers often provide warranties for their products. However, these warranties nullified if unauthorized parts are used. Genuine components acquired from authorized dealerships ensure that your warranty remains valid, thereby giving you further peace of mind and possibly even saving you money if there’s a significant breakdown.
  • The Scarcity Factor: As we have seen, some sectors like automobile, experienced spare parts shortages. High-quality components from reputable brands are less likely to become obsolete or unavailable in the future.
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How to Identify Genuine Industrial Spare Parts & Manufacturers?

Industrial facilities lean heavily on the availability of spare parts in their relentless quest for optimal production and minimal downtime. Nonetheless, a hidden danger lies beneath the rush to keep operations smooth—counterfeit spare parts.

Such imitations are frequently produced with utmost care to resemble original spares. This is a grave risk to safety, efficiency, and, ultimately, your bottom line.

Here’s how you can recognize genuine ones and also learn about the industrial spares manufacturers offering them.


Verifying Part Numbers and Manufacturer Logos

Every original replacement part has a part number. This alphanumeric code denotes the part's identity and contains important information about its specification and compatibility features.

Ensure that you have compared your desired part number with what the supplier shows without any room for error before submitting an order. Even a tiny difference in one character can mean that it is all fake.

Also, consider checking whether the company logo's color or position has changed from its original state. Some counterfeiters alter minor aspects of logos, hoping they will not be noticed.

Requesting Certificates of Authenticity from Suppliers

Reputable dealers always conduct themselves honestly with their customers when supplying goods; therefore, don’t hesitate to ask for a certificate of authenticity (COA).

This document, which can be obtained from the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) or authorized distributors, confirms that the item under question was actually manufactured by the OEM. A typical COA consists of a part number, manufacturer details, and a unique serial code.

Not all suppliers issue COAs routinely, but responsible ones do upon request. If the seller hesitates or refuses to give you a COA, then search for another trustworthy source.

Purchasing from Authorized Distributors

Authorized distributors are the most reliable sources of genuine spares. These companies strike direct deals with OEMs, thus enabling a legitimate chain of supply. Authorized distributors who possess thorough knowledge about the products they stock can give valuable advice on compatibility with other spares and choices.

However, when buying parts from unfamiliar sellers through online marketplaces, exercise utmost care. It is better to know the seller’s reputation and check whether they have been authorized by the OEM. Remember that saving some money at first can turn into expensive repairs and production losses later if you buy a possible counterfeit.

Check Packaging and Labeling

Original spare parts are usually meticulously packaged to display the manufacturer’s logo, part number, and any other relevant information. Look out for packaging inconsistencies, such as different materials used, spelling errors, or labels with unclear fonts. Such imperfections may indicate counterfeit products.

Moreover, genuine industrial spares supplier aur exporter often incorporate certain features in their packages that enhance security. For instance, holograms or unique barcodes can be interposed, while tamper-evident seals can also be employed. Remember to acquaint yourself with peculiar safety measures adopted by your favorite manufacturer prior to accepting any component.

Look for Security Features

Apart from the packaging itself, there are additional security features embedded within specific parts by particular makers that may not be visible to the naked eye but could be traced under UV light, other highly specialized optical devices, detection tools, ultraviolet lights, etc.

Though manufacturers do not universally employ them, such security features augment verification processes, especially when one has doubts over the authenticity of some components being supplied.

If you suspect a part may be counterfeit, contact the manufacturer and ask about their specific security measures. Their expertise can be priceless when it comes to discovering fakes.

Certificates of Authenticity

Whereas COAs serve as essential tools for authenticating products, they need to be more conclusive. The counterfeiters can even falsify these certificates. To forestall this risk, we propose the following:

  • Source: See to it that the COA is from OEM or an authorized distributor.
  • Verification: Several manufacturers have online verification tools where one can enter details about the certification to ascertain if it’s genuine.
  • Security Features: Other features that could indicate safety on a certificate include holograms or watermarks embedded within it.

By combining these steps with other verification methods, spare parts authenticity can significantly enhance its search capability.

Suspicious Pricing or Compare Prices

The price could hint at originality. Genuine parts are often subject to rigorous testing and manufacturing processes, which are reflected in their prices. If it’s too cheap compared to others on the market, then consider it fake.

However, relying solely on price can be deceptive. The best thing to do is extensive research so that one can establish a realistic range of prices for that particular part required. By referring to OEM websites or catalogs of authorized distributors, one would be able to understand what such items should ideally cost.

Use Serial Numbers and Barcodes

Numerous genuine articles bear unique serial numbers or bar codes. These codes operate as digital fingerprints, allowing you to trace the origins of your product and establish whether it’s natural or otherwise. But how do you leverage them?

  • Scan and Verify: Most smartphones have apps with barcode scanners installed, so using such applications is common if one wants to scan QR codes or barcodes on equipment. This can be compared with a manufacturer’s website or a specific verification portal.
  • Contact the Manufacturer: If scanning does not yield any results or inconsistencies are noted, you should not hesitate to contact the producer. Present them with the serial number and ask whether it is valid.

Remember, a legitimate manufacturer maintains a detailed record of their parts, and a valid serial number will be readily traceable within their system.

Seek Recommendations

Establishing relationships with professionals in our industry can be very helpful when looking for authentic spare parts. Therefore, it would be advisable to network with other maintenance technicians, equipment operators, and procurement specialists. These people also encounter similar challenges, so they may know where reputable suppliers and spare part sources are located.

Moreover, industry associations and internet forums often offer platforms for sharing experiences and recommendations. These resources enable you to obtain helpful information about reliable vendors and avoid traps when buying spares.


Economic Impact of Choosing Genuine Over Counterfeit

The temptation to buy counterfeit parts is because they are sold at a cheaper price. Nevertheless, this may cause financial disaster in the long run. Here’s why:

  • Increased Maintenance Costs: Counterfeit parts frequently fail, requiring more replacements and repairs, which raises maintenance costs.
  • Production Delays: Faulty counterfeit parts can throw production schedules into disarray, leading to missed deadlines and potential revenue losses.
  • Safety Hazards: As stated earlier, non-functioning counterfeit parts have safety implications that could lead to costly accidents or injuries.
  • Warranty Voiding: When fake materials are used as spares, warranties stop covering your machine, meaning that you will not receive the necessary support from the manufacturer during major breakdowns.


The never-ending quest for efficiency and cost savings can sometimes lead to poor decision-making regarding the procurement of spares. However, using fake items has serious implications for safety, work performance, and profitability.

Implementing the strategies discussed in this article—verifying part numbers, requesting COAs, purchasing from authorized distributors, and scrutinizing packaging and security features—will give you an excellent chance of avoiding counterfeits.

Being proactive while sourcing spare parts will ensure smooth-running industrial operations that always run like clockwork without expensive interruptions due to substandard replacements.


Riyaz Tunvar

Riyaz Tunvar, Sales and Marketing Director at N&T Engitech Pvt. Ltd., excels in transforming the edible oil sector. With deep expertise in oilseeds, oils, and fats technologies, he leads strategic initiatives, driving growth and innovation in cutting-edge edible oil plant and machinery solutions.

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